Five month flower subscription – small bouquet


A beautiful small bouquet of seasonal flowers fresh from the farm. This subscription gives you five bouquets one a month from May to September.

If you wish to start the subscription mid way through the flower season to continue into the next season, please email us to arrange.



Following the course of the flower season, your deliveries will always include what is flowering best when picked. Each delivery will reflect the season and be a delight to look forward to.

The flowers come beautifully arranged and presented in rustic craft paper tied with raffia. If they are a gift you can include a gift card which lists all the flowers in the arrangement together with your personal message. The flowers are delivered in a water pack to ensure that they arrive in their prime.

The recipient will be emailed one week before delivery, giving them a chance to rearrange the delivery date if they need to. Delivery within 10 miles of East Grafton at no additional charge.